10 Rare Muse Songs You've Probably Never Heard

6. New Kind Of Kick - Cramps Cover

When it comes to Muse's taste in covers, you can't say that they aren't at least eclectic. Hell, both on the stage and on record, this power trio has covered the gamut of songs ranging from classic rock to big band to soul to even classical compositions in spots. However, even when they're just having fun, something like New Kind of Kick is still well worth your time.

Looking to give their audience a bit of a surprise for Halloween, Muse gave us a helping of spooky goodness with their cover of this Cramps classic. While the idea of punk mixing with these connoisseurs of prog and space rock sounds a bit strange at the outset, the result is actually fairly competent, with just the right amount of distortion put on Bellamy's voice to really sell it.

This also acts as a great showcase for Dominic Howard's drumming, which is both sloppy and perfectly controlled at the exact same time. As opposed to the more chaotic performances that you're getting out of Matt, Howard really knows where to put the more energetic fills and when you have to keep everything tight. Though joke-y tracks like this aren't really known to be anything too special, New Kind of Kick shows Muse's weird side that might actually be able to work in an album context.

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