10 Reasons We're All Sick Of Pop-Princesses

7. The Urban/Hip Hop Phase

Katy Perry Wide Awake This might be my own personal pet peeve, but hear me out. The starting trend for your typical pop princess is either sugary sweet, or the "badass" anti-pop princess. At some point in their career, they discover rappers like Lil Wayne and Kayne West that will boost their record sales. They also try to look the part to generate more buzz about that single. This could be wearing a grill, singing about whatever drug du jour rappers are glorifying, and making an effort to branch out to the "urban" demographic. I think it's a crock of s**t. It's not re-inventing yourself. It's not being "the real you". People stopped giving a flying fig, so you thought you would do something to get people to mention your name again. Instead of fading away gracefully, you pollute the airways with some kind of pop/rap combo that is an abomination to music. Thanks for that.
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Writer and horror geek. I'm way too into pop culture and ripping bad movies apart.