10 Rock Albums That Artists Regret Making
5. Relationship of Command - At the Drive In
At the Drive In is probably the closest thing that the rock world has to a form of controlled chaos. Though it's easy to categorize their style as post-hardcore, their first taste of success with Relationship of Command feels like it's on the verge of anarchy at any second. For as much as this record might be a bludgeoning to your skull though, the mastermind behind it all still has yet to revisit it over the years.
Ever since its release, Omar Rodriguez Lopez has been incredibly harsh towards the way Relationship of Command turned out, singling out Andy Wallace as the reason why it sounds the way it does. Although Wallace is a brilliant mixer and has worked on thousands of amazing rock albums, Lopez has gone on record saying that Wallace's sweetening of the mix ruined the songs, making them sound far too clean when compared to the original.
It feels weird hearing that though, considering songs like Arcarsenal and One Armed Scissor sound like they have the potential to either fall apart or completely explode from one moment to the next. Maybe this was just the proof of concept though, with Lopez later going on to throw everything and the kitchen sink into the mix with the Mars Volta. While this may be the candified version of At the Drive In, most bands would kill to sound this feral on record.