10 Rock Albums That Were Killed By One Song

8. Tattoo - Van Halen

Van Halen have always been a band that left you shellshocked after hearing them. Whether it was their glory days with David Lee Roth or their middle period with Sammy Hagar, every single record had a moment that left you in musical ecstasy. It seemed that the magic was going to spark all over again once Roth rejoined in the 2000's, but this first single made every single listener uneasy.

Is there anything structurally wrong with "Tattoo?" Not on principle. The song features the typical Van Halen tropes like the sing along chorus and amazing solo from Eddie, but the subject matter and hook are way too boring to have the name Van Halen attached to it. The robotic way in which the chorus says "tattoo" sounds like the band trying to incorporate dance music into their sound and failing miserably.

Though the band had always exuded the rockstar lifestyle, writing a song about body art has never sounded this drab in rock history. The band's comeback album A Different Kind of Truth was the proper return to form many fans wanted, but this is by far the worst song Van Halen have ever promoted as a single. Instead of sounding like the second coming of rock gods, this song is one of rock's greatest bands venturing into dad rock territory.

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