10 Rock Albums That Were Killed By One Song

6. Heavy - Linkin Park

It's almost expected that every Linkin Park album has some element of surprise to it. After the band shed their nu metal skin in the mid 2000's, they reinvented themselves into one of the more interesting rock acts going today, with straightforward affairs like Living Things juxtaposed with left field turns like A Thousand Suns. Going into One More Light, people expected something different, but maybe not quite this different.

Unveiling their new track "Heavy," Linkin Park had gone from being different to being virtually unrecognizable. With a poppy melody and a guest verse from Kiiara, the song sounded like every other generic electronic pop song permeating the airwaves today. Coming off of the heels of the band's previous effort The Hunting Party, the band's bait and switch from heavy to soft was almost night and day.

Though many of the die hard fans supported the band's new direction, others felt outright betrayed at the poppy sound these guys had taken on. When the album finally was released, fans were treated to some of the most milquetoast material the band have put out, confirming every suspicion they may have had. Instead of coming off like the innovators they are, this song was the sad reality of rock's heroes playing catch up with the hip sounds of "kids these days."

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