10 Rock Albums That Were Stuck In Development Hell

4. I/O - Peter Gabriel

Remember when we said earlier that we weren't going to talk about albums that weren't out yet?

We lied.

Peter Gabriel dropped the name i/o into conversations around 2002 as the potential successor to his album Up. This didn't happen though, as the former Genesis man got distracted by tours, new projects, and trying to explain to people what "World Music" actually meant.

i/o was then discussed in 2005, but two more albums in 2010 and 2011 came and neither of them bore that title.

After another decade's worth of fannying around, Gabriel finally put out the first proper single for i/o in early 2023.

In an outstanding twist of fate, the guy now can't stop putting out songs from the record, having released three more singles at time of writing.

The singles have been coming out at every full moon, which is the most Peter Gabriel thing of all time.

Whilst the jury is still out on whether i/o is any good, Gabriel's fans are never going to forget the story of the album that spent two decades in the dark.

Hopefully the album finally comes out in 2023 and we don't look like massive tits for including it here.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.