10 Rock Albums That Were Stuck In Development Hell

3. Still Sucks - Limp Bizkit

Stampede of the Disco Elephants.

That's what this album was originally going to be called.

Oh boy.

L-I-M-P Bizkit were right at the end of the promotion cycle for their 2011 album Gold Cobra when they left Interscope Records. In 2014, the band signed with Lil Wayne's Cash Money label and put out the song Ready to Go in 2013.

"Great!" thought fans of the Biz. "New album soon, then?" And they waited. And waited. And waited some more.

Rumours began swirling that Fred Durst wasn't happy with most of the recordings, hence why the new album was being delayed.

Guitarist Wes Borland confirmed this in 2021, stating "we've been working on stuff, working on stuff, working on stuff. And Fred has been consistently kind of unsatisfied with where vision is."

Mercifully, the new release finally hit stores later that year. Mercifully as well, they'd decided to drop the Disco Elephants name in favour of the much funnier "Still Sucks" moniker.

The delay might have done Bizkit some good, as publications remarked that this new, older iteration of the band was much more self-aware and less obnoxious.

Well, as un-obnoxious as Fred Durst can ever be.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.