10 Rock Bands Who Broke World Records

6. Metallica - First Musical Act To Perform A Concert On Every Continent

Metallica really have done it all.

Okay, they haven't done it all, per se. They haven't released an album of EDM, although that would be an interesting listen.

What they have done is play concerts all over the world to millions of delighted fans, and, in this instance, the phrase "all over the world" truly means "all over the world".

On 8 December 2013, Metallica rocked up at the Argentine-operated research station Carlini Base in the South Shetland Islands of Antarctica.

There, they played an hour-long set - named Freeze 'Em All, after the band's first album, Kill 'Em All- to a group of 120 scientists, a few competition winners, and some confused penguins. Not only is this really cool, figuratively and literally, but it also made them the "First Musical Act to Perform a Concert on Every Continent", as recognised by Guinness.

This accomplishment is testament not only to Metallica's enduring popularity, but also to their willingness to take risks and try new things in the name of their art.

Hopefully they didn't play their song Trapped Under Ice from Ride the Lightning - that would have been a bit insensitive.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.