10 Rock Bands Who Sold Out (But We Love Them Anyway)

9. Black Flag

If you're into your hardcore punk, then you've definitely heard of Black Flag.

Although, you've also probably thrown your computer away because you're scared that "the man" is tracking you through it.

Those of you who are still here won't need reminding just how important this group is to the history of punk music as a whole. Combining the simple rhythms of Ramones with their own messages of anti-authority and individualism, Black Flag firmly established themselves as a favourite of anyone who wanted to stick it to the system.

Their most famous lead singer is a chap by the name of Henry Rollins, who joined the band in 1981. He helped the band write more serious music and added some exciting flavour to their live shows with his eclectic performance style.

However, as the '80s wore on, the band began to move more towards heavy metal, which was popular at the time. They even grew out their hair, the ultimate sin in the punk world!

Whilst they're still beloved today, there was a period of time where OG Black Flag fans didn't even recognise their favourite group.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.