10 Rock Bands With Awesome Shows You Must See


A band that should need absolutely no introduction on a list about rock bands and their live performances, KISS have dominated stages all over the world since kicking off in 1973. This four-piece outfit of rock royalty have such a unique aesthetic that any music fan who hasn’t been living under a rock their whole life could easily identify one of their shows from a mile off.

So, what makes a KISS concert so special? There’s a number of reasons. First and foremost is how the band look. Kitted out in a strange mix of armour and spandex, these make-up clad chaps are instantly recognisable when they take to any stage.

Then there’s the performance. With fire eating, blood spitting, shooting fireworks, flaming guitars and zip-lining from the stage to different areas of the arena throughout the show, KISS are always going to put on something special for those lucky enough to get tickets to see them.

This is also one of the most brightly-lit rock shows in existence. With the four letters of KISS emblazoned across the back of the set-up, multiple screens, light effects and, of course, pyro, KISS can illuminate a room or arena of any size from front to back. Sunglasses recommended.

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