10 Rock Music Bands With Unique Selling Points

5. A Violin Player - Yellowcard

The conventional number of members in a standard rock band is four, but some will push the boat out and add a fifth name to the call sheet. Sometimes this extra body will be an additional guitarist, or a keyboard player, or maybe even a standalone singer, but not in the case of Yellowcard. Their fifth man plays the bloomin' violin.

Named after the practice of punishing "party fouls" with a "yellow card", this group became well-known on the pop punk scene thanks to Sean Mackin, backing vocalist and lead violin player.

Actually, the word "lead" isn't needed in that sentence. He was the only violin player, possibly in pop punk history.

Mackin's role wasn't just a gimmick, although it was definitely a bit gimmicky, as his playing really complimented the band's style, adding an extra melody and a totally unique sound to their music. Sadly, even with this added layer and Mackin's ability to bust out a backflip on cue, Yellowcard never quite achieved global fame and haven't recorded an album since 2016.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.