10 Rock Music Bands With Unique Selling Points

4. Being Fictional - Spın̈al Tap

When it comes to mock documentaries, or "mockumentaries", you can't do much better than Rob Reiner's 1984 classic, This is Spın̈al Tap.

One of the earliest adopters of the format, Reiner plays Marty Di Bergi, a filmmaker chronicling the lives of the titular heavy metal group, who are played by Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, and Harry Shearer.

So many elements of this movie have become ingrained in popular culture, from the band getting lost backstage to the famous "it goes up to 11" amp scene, but how many of you knew that Spın̈al Tap actually went on to record music after their film appearance?

Despite the fact that they were completely fictional to begin with, the "band" have three studio albums under their belts. The first one was the soundtrack to the film, but since then there have been two albums of entirely original Spın̈al Tap material.

Much like their theatrical work, these records are also parodies of hair metal, with chauvinistic lyrics and outrageous guitar solos. Although the music might not be ground-breaking, it speaks to the popularity of the film that people were willing to spend money on a band that didn't even technically exist.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.