10 Rock Music Bands With Unique Selling Points

3. Robots - Compressorhead

These final entries on the list are going to get really silly, with the next two not even featuring any human beings.

First up, we have Compressorhead, a metal band comprised entirely of robots. And not like the way Daft Punk are "robots", but real-life, mechanical robots. Think Motörhead, but with actual motors in their actual heads.

This mad concoction was the brainchild of Berlin-based artist Frank Barnes and his collaborators, including musicians John and Rob Wright of punk band NoMeansNo. Their line-up consists of singer Mega-Wattson, guitarists Fingers and HellgÄ Tarr, bass player Bones, and Stickboy the drummer.

Oh, and don't forget Junior, Stickboy's assistant who plays the hi-hat.

Though they originally started off playing covers of existing songs - their version of Ace of Spades has 10 million views on YouTube - Compressorhead have since debuted some original material, though those songs were written by humans. Although, now AI is a thing, the potential is unlimited.

A band of rock-loving robots sounds like something out of a pokey '50s sci-fi show; the fact that it actually exists proves that human beings are brilliant and that some people have way too much time on their hands.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.