10 Rock Music Collaborations No One Could Have Predicted

6. Weezer & Lil Wayne

It seems to be an unwritten rule with Weezer that you should probably stay away from any album that isn't a self-titled (colour) album. Why settle for "Beverley Hills", "Back to the Shack" or "Feels Like Summer", when you can have "My Name is Jonas", "Hash Pipe", "Pork and Beans" or "Do You Wanna Get High?"? 2009's Raditude was no exception, a fairly meandering affair that almost sent people into cringe-induced seizures, thanks to this out of nowhere collaboration.

A re-recording of an acoustic song written by frontman Rivers Cuomo for his demo album Alone II, the song is a celebration of the party lifestyle. The Alone II version of the song features a much more sombre composition behind it, leading some fans to wonder if it was perhaps a tongue-in-cheek commentary of partying. The Raditude version is pretty much the polar opposite of this, installing a heavy club beat and the inclusion of rapper and world-renowned Lil Wayne, at the height of his popularity.

The song is universally considered a dud even to most hardcore Weezer fans, preferring instead the Alone II version. If nothing else, it does feature Lil Wayne try and rhyme "pharmaceuticals" with "funeral", "usual" and "mutual".

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Wish.com Jules Gill. Pretty fond of heavy music, Arsenal, video games and wrestling.