10 Rock Songs That Are A Nightmare To Sing
5. All I Wanted - Paramore
So...why is it that no female vocalists in the rock genre get celebrated like the boys do? After all, since we have people more than willing to put people like Robert Plant and Freddie Mercury up on their pedestal, we at least have room for people like Janis Joplin and Ann Wilson, right? Then again, female vocals might be coming into their own now if Hayley Williams is any indication.
Before Brand New Eyes, we already knew that Hayley could belt, with songs like Misery Business being the soundtrack of many a pop punk's adolescence. Going into this next album though, All I Wanted may be one of the most hard hitting moments of Paramore's career, as Hayley reaches the apex of the song by having the rest of the band drop out and rocking an a cappella moment for the ages.
Above all else, this song serves as a great exercise in dynamics as a singer, starting off relatively slow and subdued before bubbling up into something much more visceral and shaking the room by the time the track fades out. Although people might still mock this era of rock and roll as dopey teen stuff, you have to have some serious chops if you're even thinking about tackling this song.