10 Rock Stars That Almost Died On The Road

2. Steven Tyler - Aerosmith

It's not exactly a mistake for Aerosmith to be called the Bad Boys From Boston. Though the rapport between Steven Tyler and Joe Perry was often compared to Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, there's a good chance that the Toxic Twins could give the Stones a run for their money, with even Jerry Garcia telling them to tone it down with their drug intake at one point. Nothing was going to stop this train in the '70s though, until Joe Perry left the entire band in limbo after a massive blowup with Steven.

While the band was able to soldier on without Joe's licks on albums like Rock in a Hard Place, this is where Steven started to not take care of himself at all, getting way too high before taking the stage and drinking constantly to mask his pain about his musical soulmate leaving. This was no different than what was happening around the time of Draw the Line, but Steven's behavior started to turn deadly on some nights, including one massive show where he got loaded and fell at the front of the stage and not getting up.

After the rest of the band finished the song out, Steven was rushed offstage and the show abruptly ended, with Steven basically drugging himself so much that put himself into a drug induced stupor and almost died onstage. You have to have some sort of fire in you to play the kind of rock and roll that Aerosmith are known for, but there comes a point when even your body decides to give out on you as well.

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