10 Shocking Things You Won't Believe Artists Have Done In The Name Of Punk

3. Sid Vicious Eats A Bloody Plate Of Eggs...'Cause He€™s Punk

Sid Vicious Sometimes a stage isn€™t needed at all when it comes to showing just how punk rock you really are. Case in point is this tale told by photographer Bob Gruen in the excellent book €œPlease Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History Of Punk.€ The story goes like this: The Sex Pistols are on their US tour and stop at a truck stop diner. Sid Vicious is going to town on his breakfast when in walks a cowboy with his family and sits down. The cowboy, full of swagger, tries to mock Sid by asking him how vicious he is and demonstrates by putting a cigarette out on his own hand. €œWell, I can, you know, hurt myself,€ Sid says, sounding more like a whiny teenage goth kid than iconic punk rock bassist. With that line, Sid stabs his own hand with his knife and proceeds to continue eating his eggs, which are now getting soaked in his own blood. The cowboy and his family rush for the door, presumably to hop on their horses and try and forget punk rock altogether.

Just like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse, Mickey Galie is the best friend a good time ever had.