10 Shocking Things You Won't Believe Artists Have Done In The Name Of Punk

2. Jayne County Nearly Kills Handsome Dick Manitoba During A Performance

Like every great story, there€™s two sides, but in this case both can at least agree that Jayne (then Wayne) County nearly killed Handsome Dick Manitoba of the Dictators while onstage. Jayne County, whose novelty act was being the only drag queen singing punk rock, was performing at CBGB€™s. Hopped up on amphetamines, Jayne aggressively bantered with a belligerent Manitoba throughout the course of the show. Then Handsome Dick climbed onto the stage. This is where it gets hazy as Manitoba claims he was trying to reach the bathroom of CBGB€™s. By climbing onto the stage? Regardless, Jayne County lifted his/her microphone stand and brought it straight down onto Dick€™s shoulder, narrowly missing his head. A scuffle ensued between a drag queen on speed and a punk rocker with a broken collarbone. It ended quickly. Over the decades there have been back and forth, he-said-she-said about what everyone€™s intentions were that night and whether misguided homophobia played a part in the events. Nonetheless, Jayne County came awfully close to becoming one punk rocker who killed another onstage. Instead, settling for a less homicidal accolade, Jayne continued the show, singing Wash Me In The Blood Of Rock And Roll - covered in Handsome Dick Manitoba€™s blood.

Just like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse, Mickey Galie is the best friend a good time ever had.