10 Songs That Could've Been Written By Vampires

8. Reign In Blood - Slayer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wnn47V09Q2M Vampiric-lyric: "Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away" Over to the kings of thrash, and regardless of the ravages of time or the increasingly weathered stature of lead screamer Tom Araya or high E string-abuser Kerry King, Slayer are metal incarnate. And back in 1986 with the help of Rick Rubin, the band would kick out one of the most timeless and perfect thrash albums of all time. These days Reign In Blood is 'that song' the band are clearly incredibly tired of playing live, but it's also the one that is the most iconic; if not for the insanely demonic riff that comes slamming in from the ethereal thunderstorm-intro, but also because to a whole generation of people it was first heard when blowing people away in the middle of a sun-soaked crime spree in GTA: Vice City. That game remains the high-point for game soundtracks the industry-over, and for those hearing the song for the first time it was surely pretty intense, but for the rest of us who weren't expecting it - we suitably went to a whole other dimension of pure devil horn-hand-throwing euphoria for the song's four-minute runtime.
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