10 Songs That Could've Been Written By Vampires

7. The Kids Aren't Alright - The Offspring

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrZ4sMRYimw No one is safe from the nostalgic powers of The Offspring, never mind the idea that outside of that there's a set of flying fang-toothed suckheads baying for the blood of everyone regardless of their size or stature. Okay we'll be honest; as the song's just about growing up and getting used to the varying ways the world can unfurl in front of you, there's no particularly vampiric-sounding lyric - unless we pluck out the only remotely threatening line in the whole song "Fragile lives, shattered dreams" but event that does somewhat loses its edge when everything else has Dexter Holland mentioning kids and getting high. Still, that song title's worth a chuckle, surely? No? Okay, this next one's great we promise...
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