10 Songs That Could've Been Written By Vampires

6. Bleed It Dry - Alter Bridge

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aekMHt6E23M Vampiric-Lyric: "Justify all that you consume, bleed it dry" Now we're talking; a solid pumping two-string riff that sounds incredibly simple to play until you actually sit down and attempt to put it together with the same force and might of guitarist Mark Tremonti. Alter Bridge remain one of the ones to watch in 2014 in terms of gradually climbing the mountain to become festival headliners. You'll rarely find anyone who has a bad word to say about them, and with Myles "Yeah I sing for Slash too" Kennedy, the powerhouse of both him and Tremonti's old thrashlike sensibilities have come together to write four of the best, consistently brilliant hard rock albums you'll ever come across. Bleed It Dry is actually about over-commodification and globalisation, along with the general idea of governmental oppression steering us in the wrong direction as the world falls in on itself... definitely a happy little ditty then! But aside from the fantastically dark lyrics throughout, the real highlight is Tremonti's gorgeously bluesy solo that features an escalating progression taking you all across the fretboard with enough flair to kickstart a 70's disco. Amazing.
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