10 Songs That Were Censored For Utterly Ridiculous Reasons

8. Black Eyed Peas - "Don't Phunk With My Heart"

Don't get me wrong, I'm typically all about censoring anything that involves Fergie and Will.i.am because the Black Eyed Peas are the worst thing to happen to music since John Lennon died. (I'm only partly kidding.) But make sure you're censoring them for the right reasons! Far too many radio stations in the States forced the Peas to edit the song because they thought "phunk" sounded too close too a certain four letter expletive. But that's...the point? No? They already did the editing for you. If they were trying to get away with something, as most radio stations thought, would they have been so obvious about it? Despite this bit of self-censoring, Black Eyed Peas re-edited the song as "Don't Mess With My Heart" so that some clueless radio programmers could rest easy.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.