10 Songs To Celebrate Your Freedom After A Break Up

4. Thank You - Jamelia

In Thank You, Jamelia tackles the traumatic topic of an abusive relationship (which she experienced first hand) and does something quite extraordinary - she finds a way to thank her abuser for making her a stronger person.

In this heartbreaking yet inspiring song, Jamelia details some of the worst and most brutal moments in her relationship. Lyrics like “You hit, you spit, you split every part of me” and ”my head near dead” may sound like a tragic song you would not usually want on a celebratory playlist. However, Jamelia shows just how strong she is by proving she has overcome this traumatic time and is a better person because of it.

It’s a cold, hard reminder that we are strong enough to overcome anything. Jamelia hopes that you’ll find inspiration through these lyrics, focus on the positives rather than the negatives, move on and never let anyone break you.

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With a degree in film studies and almost 90,000 minutes of yearly listening on Spotify, Jeniffer loves all things entertainment. Jeniffer is currently based in Hong Kong where she writes for a local food magazine.