10 Stoner Rock Bands You Need To Hear In 2016

5. Earthless

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCEACSH8YBE If the improvised nature of stoner rock is more your thing then you don't want to miss California's Earthless. Their high altitude, coma inducing, jam sessions are currently some of the best in the business. They couldn't be more aptly named because their sound is one from another planet. They scour the cosmos on their first two records Sonic Prayer and Rhythms From A Cosmic Sky, especially on the tense, bass creeper 'Sonic Prayer' or the slick, rhythm interlocker 'Flower Travellin' Man'. They bend the very fabric of sound under their intense desire to contort their devilish guitar refrains into combustible, rocket fuelled, boilers. However on their latest LP From The Ages the group really take things to another level. The title track clocks in at a whopping thirty minutes and is punctuated with heavy, pedal effected riffs and breakneck speed, drum flurries. Throw into the mix warping guitar solos and spontaneous section transitions and you get a band that are just teeming with fiery dynamism - and that's just the title track... This fearsome three might reject the genre label but they are still going on this list as one of the best acid/stoner rock bands currently active. Key Tracks: Flower Travellin' Man, Sonic Prayer, Cherry Red, Uluru Rock, From The Ages
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Music Journalism graduate and freelance writer from Northern Ireland, who enjoys scouring the music archives for the best sounds from the past and present. Writer for the awesome publications WhatCulture, Metal Injection, Scribol, The Gamer, and Prefix.