10 Surprising Details You Didn't Know About The Killers
7. Flowers Started Saving His Facial Hair Shavings

This doesn't really have to do anything at all with their music, it's just too weird to ignore.
In a 2015 interview with The Independent Brandon Flowers revealed that he has been keeping his facial hair shavings since the 2008 'Sam's Town' tour. According to Flowers, this unique quirk has become something more akin to a ritual. He has a literal Ziploc bag full of hair with a mix of mostly black and some grey hairs. For him, it's a reminder of where he stands as a musician, at least that's how he makes it sound. Whatever that may mean.
As far as celebrity quirks go, it could be a lot stranger or way worse. To tell the truth, it's more intriguing than anything else. Who even does this? Brandon Flowers, that's who.