10 Terrible Songs That Ruined Otherwise Flawless Albums

3. Modest Mouse €“ What People Are Made Of (The Moon And Antarctica)

https://youtu.be/85NIcAI_vvc An unnecessary coda to the end of what is arguably their greatest album. The slow fade out from "Life Like Weeds" wraps up everything the album presents in a perfect bow - and then this song comes along. The fiery nature of the track would not have sounded out of place on their previous work, The Lonesome Crowded West, but as a whole The Moon and Antarctica is a much more musically delicate album and there is nothing delicate about this final short song. There is no denying that it contains the typical biting lyrics of the band's best work, with a heavy thread of nihilism running strong throughout, but the music is out of place to an aggravating extent.
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Musician and student from Pennsylvania who knows very little.