10 Times People Died Inside During Awkward Interviews

3. Jerry Seinfeld On Larry King Live

Larry King is one of the world's most respected and experienced interviewers, so he must know better than most that interviewing comedians can be a bumpy ride.

In 2007, he had Jerry Seinfeld on and started the interview off by going over the comedian's undefeated run with his super successful self-titled sitcom. After Seinfeld says the show ran for nine years and 180 episodes, King half-asks if he was the one who gave up the show.

"They didn't cancel you, you cancelled them." Cue Seinfeld's pretty hilarious dumbfounded expression. He cracks up a bit and asks, "Is this still CNN?"

Things get a little spicy when King tries to explain the context of his question, saying that most shows suffer from a decline in quality over time, to which Seinfeld replies that most people do too.

"I was the number one show in television, Larry. Do you know who I am?"

It's hard not to enjoy it when Seinfeld directs the question "can we get a résumé in here for me?" at the crew off-camera. That's gold, Jerry. Gold!

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