10 Transgender And Non-Binary Musicians You Need To Listen To

3. Antony And The Johnsons

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyMGEq82uL4 Antony Hegarty may have the most through-and-through "beautiful" voice on this list, or any other list for that matter. Its a delicate emotion that elicits immediate heartbreak. Her vibrato has become a trademark. But how recognizable it may sound at this point does not diminish its weight. Her 2005 album I Am a Bird Now brought her much recognition, and for good measure - the album is a haunting portrait of familial bonds and gender dysphoria. At many times bleak and and at points defeatedly candid, the work becomes an uplifting cry of power in its final stages. Hegarty makes intimate music that comforts the wounded and ultimately grants them a feeling of autonomy. It's reassuring and painfully gorgeous. Recommended albums: I Am a Bird Now and The Crying Light

Musician and student from Pennsylvania who knows very little.