10 Worst Hard Rock Lyrics Of All Time

5. Head for the Barricade - Limp Bizkit

Not too many people have the ability to scratch the bottom of the barrel in terms of lyrics quite like Fred Durst. For all of the talent that the rest of Limp Bizkit has under the hood, the amount of cheesy one liners that come from Durst on the mic have led to them being one of the more prevalent laughing stocks of the nu metal genre. While you can laugh off most of these, Head for the Barricade reaches a completely different level of cringe.

At the outset though, it's not like this is any different than your average nu metal, with Durst talking about how hard it was dealing with getting picked on when he was in high school. Pretty standard stuff, until you get about halfway through the verse. When trying to relate it to his audience, Durst decides to bring up the Columbine shooting, relating his experience with getting bullied to the kids who attacked their classmates that day.

Mind you, Columbine was still a hot button issue at the time, which made the entire thing go from an edgy line in a metal song to one of the most tasteless pieces of music to come from the metal genre. Even though there's something to respect about commenting on society, trying to minimize the effects of a mass shooting isn't really something that should be celebrated.

Bad Lyric: I'm Glad I'm Hated I Guess I'm Doing Something Right But That's What Happened Back in Columbine You Gotta Know When to Stop.


I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97