11 Things You Should Be Listening To Right Now!


instrumental/post-rock/electronica If there was any justice in the world, or any justice in my writing really, then I would have introduced Three Trapped Tigers to you a long time ago. Unfortunately I only had the pleasure of finding out about these shortly before 2000 Trees Festival (from a member of Pariso in the smoking area of Clwb Ifor Bach), and then managed to thankfully catch them on the Thursday despite only have weekend tickets from the Friday. Though there are actually three of them they aren€™t actually tigers, though imagine how fucking amazing that would be if they were, and they hail from London. Combining the scope of post rock, the intelligence of math rock and the intricate density of IDM the trio create an inspirational, instrumental racket. Think a more melodic, jam friendly, live band equivalent to Aphex Twin. They also put on amazing live show, which as mentioned I caught at 2000 Trees and am now looking forward to catching again seeing as their supporting Deftones in February alongside letlive. http://youtu.be/N5nmP5xv0lE facebook soundcloud twitter

Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits