12 Best Hamilton Songs

2. Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)

"Immigrants: We get the job done."

The most triumphant line, in the most triumphant song in the whole of Hamilton, Yorktown, while not the final song of Act 1, brings to a close what the heroes have been fighting toward their whole lives: The War for Independence.

It tells the story of the battle of Yorktown where the Americans (assisted by the French) took a decisive victory against the British.

The World Turned Upside Down refers not only to the shock of their victory, but is also an actual English ballad that the British troops allegedly sang after their defeat.

It's such a momentous occasion, that it's impossible to not to get swept up in the celebrations. From Hamilton and Lafayette's camaraderie, to seeing George Washington smile, to everyone's favourite HERCULES MULLIGAN, coming back into the picture, it truly is a pleasure to watch and listen to.

There are plenty of call backs to previous songs, ranging from My Shot to Aaron Burr, Sir, to Right Hand Man to Stay Alive.

Yorktown truly feels like an encapsulation of all that is great about the opening act of Hamilton and it is perhaps the very last time in the entire story that every character has something to celebrate. Well apart from King George of course.

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22-year-old journalism graduate from Croydon. When I'm not moaning about or singing the praises of Doctor Who or a great film or two, I'm (unsuccessfully) looking for a job or setting up a podcast. Again usually unsuccessfully.