12 Best Hamilton Songs

9. Satisfied

Rewind. Satisfied is arguably the most intricate song on the soundtrack and it has quite possibly the best staging and choreography of any scene in the musical, with all the set, props and performers moving in reverse as the story moves back in time.

After Alexander Hamilton and Eliza Schuyler fall in love and get married in Helpless (another excellent song), Eliza's sister Angelica proposes a toast to the newly weds, before the action dramatically rewinds and we see everything from Angelica's point of view.

We are devastated to learn that Angelica also loves Hamilton but allows him to be with Eliza instead to keep her younger sister happy.

It is certainly one of the most innovative Hamilton songs, which is saying something. It contains one of the central themes of 'Who tells your story' whilst also foreshadowing events to come with Angelica's warning that Hamilton: "Will never be satisfied," a line that is repeated later on in Non-Stop.

Credit must also be given to Renée Elise Goldsberry, whose powerhouse performance as Angelica nearly steals the entirety of Act 1.

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22-year-old journalism graduate from Croydon. When I'm not moaning about or singing the praises of Doctor Who or a great film or two, I'm (unsuccessfully) looking for a job or setting up a podcast. Again usually unsuccessfully.