12 Most Outrageous Things That Ever Came Out Of Morrissey's Mouth
3. "The Chinese Are A Sub-Species"
You can perhaps partly forgive Morrissey for the grotesque extrapolation of his vegetarianism, because it's an ingrained ideology that has a moral core, whether or not you agree with it, but racism? That's not really okay at all, is it? Talking about animal cruelty in China during an interview with The Guardian, Morrissey explained why he thought the Chinese might be so happy to allow it to go on:
"You can't help but feel that the Chinese people are a subspecies."
Wow. That particular nugget of wisdom outraged campaign group Love Music Hate Racism, who Morrissey had offered support to when NME - who Morrissey sued for calling him racist - pulled their financial support. They kindly declined any future support on the back of his statements. That's not to say he's a racist, of course - just that in his commitment to contrarianism, he'll pretty much say anything.
2. The Olympics Were Just Like Nazi Germany
Not content with just saying that Auschwitz was the same as an abattoir, Morrissey also used the opportunity afforded by his fan club to write a letter that criticised the London Olympics. Of course he did. It wasn't enough to just say it was bad and consumerist or something: no, because Morrissey is Morrissey, he felt compelled to compare the mood in the UK in the run up to the Olympics to Nazi Germany.
"The 'dazzling royals' have, quite naturally, hijacked the Olympics for their own empirical needs, and no oppositional voice is allowed in the free press. . . The spirit of 1939 Germany now pervades throughout media-brand Britain."
Flaming Royals, eh? Behind everything they are. And the worst thing Morrissey has ever said...?