12 Most Outrageous Things That Ever Came Out Of Morrissey's Mouth

1. Meat Isn't Just Murder, It's Paedophilia

After years of banging the same Meat Is Murder drum, Morrissey changed his track rather spectacular recently, to add a little seasoning of outrage to the dish, in a Q&A session published on his own fan site, and undoubtedly in no way motivated by the fact that he hadn't said anything openly stupid or provocative in a while, and people might have started to forget how tasteless he can be:
"I see no difference between eating animals and paedophilia. They are both rape, violence, murder. If I'm introduced to anyone who eats beings, I walk away. Imagine, for example, if you were in a nightclub and someone said to you, 'Hello, I enjoy bloodshed, throat-slitting and the destruction of life,' well, I doubt if you'd want to exchange phone numbers."
Which of course begs a lot of questions: the least, but arguably most intriguing is what sort of nightclubs Morrissey is going to. We can probably fully admit people to start wearing T-Shirts proclaiming their carnivore-tendencies, in order to halt any potential meeting with Morrissey in the first place. What do you think Morrissey's most outrageous statement has been? Share your own picks in the comments thread below.

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