12 Problems Only My Chemical Romance Fans Will Understand

11. Being Trolled By Former Drummer Bob Bryar

Bob Bryar joined the band in 2004 after previous drummer Matt Pelissier was asked to leave by the band's manager for undisclosed reasons. He toured the second record, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, and appeared in the music video for I'm Not Okay (I Promise) after just one day of practice.

By the time 2006's The Black Parade was recorded, Bryar had become full-time member. In 2010, however, it was announced on My Chemical Romance's website that Bryar was no longer in the band - again for unclear reasons. In the time since, the once floppy-haired (but now immensely bearded) drummer hasn't been shy about talking about the band on Twitter. His most notable tweets include offering to share nude pictures of front man Gerard Way in exchange for receiving two hundred thousand followers, suggesting bassist Mikey Way turn to Jesus during a public relationship scandal and claiming he was tempted to jump off a cliff following his release from the band. Bryar also enjoys spreading rumours of the band's reunion, too. Dammit Bob...

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.