12 Things You Should Be Listening To - Welsh Music Prize Special

Jodie Marie

Mountain Echo I€™m a little bit in love with a voice, and it may be this late/early hour and/or the alcohol, but I don€™t think it€™s just me. If I€™m honest I think it€™s you, or it will be you when you listen. Jodie Marie is the exceptionally young sound of an aged and soulful voice, best captured on the album by which she€™s nominated here €“ Mountain Echo. In spite of her barely 20 years Marie sports a mature and emotional sound, in both vocal and song, combining as she does a modern tone with classic bluesy feeing. Add into the mix for her debut album the productional touch of Bernard Butler (guitarist for Suede and discoverer/producer of Duffy), and you€™re onto a likely rising star. http://youtu.be/Vi0okXxp01U website twitter facebook

Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits