12 Times Taylor Swift Melted Your Cold Heart

10. The Entire Shake It Off Video

However you feel about Taylor Swift and her music, there€™s something quite endearing about a lanky white girl attempting to dance and not doing it terribly well. Within crowds of muscular interpretive dancers, Swift throws a sheet on her head and runs around. Her attempt at tutting (that€™s dancing with your fingers) is probably about as accurate as most people€™s attempts at tutting (how do they do it though? It€™s amazing). Shake It Off emcompasses what Taylor Swift is all about. In every performance and every appearance, she seems to be having an awesome time, even if she€™s not doing it particularly well or she€™s getting a lot of criticism for it. For the purposes of this song, the video is perfect, and she€™s shaking it off like the best of them.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.