13 Things You Should Be Listening To Right Now!

9. Hop Along

lo-fi/indie/folk-rockhop along band Another case of me getting excited quickly €“ there seems to be a pattern forming €“ as I first heard these in the car of the friend who told me to listen to Tall Ships, it was a mix CD or some kind of promotional compilation that also had a Tall Ships track on it, actually; I know, these stories are just too exciting, right? So, yeah, as it played through a track by these came on, it struck me, to the sleeve I went and found the band€™s name, €˜one for the next feature€™ I thought. The three piece initially started life as an acoustic, solo-project by Frances Quinlan called Hop Along, Queen Ansleis. With the addition of Frances€™ drummer bother Mark Quinlan and bassist Dominic Angella, the name was shortened and the band came to release a full length album in the shape of Get Disowned. An album full of lo-fi, indie with a real folk-rock undertone and pop sensibilities. Tibetan Pop Stars was the song that caught my attention on that CD. http://youtu.be/JwWM8FL22S0
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Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits