14 Best Synthwave Albums You MUST Listen To

4. Daniel Deluxe - Corruptor (2016)

Danish retrowave producer Daniel Deluxe, much like others in this list, has been kicking about since the early 2010's, popping out a few singles here and there.

And again, like most others, it's usual in that slow build that when a debut album does drop, it's an absolute corker of one at that. Corruptor, released in 2016, is no different.

One look at that album cover should tell you all you need to know going in: it's going to be some heavy darkwave in this. And you'd be right, as Corruptor starts with that slow dread before your ears are assaulted with some heavy synths and MIDI beats that'll have you tapping your feet.

The Guardian is a prime example of this: after the thirty second narrative build, the beat drops. Give it another minute or so, and the beat really kicks in. Combat Ready is another example of this; that brooding, ominous sound before the rest of the song catches up with it.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.