15 Best Death Metal Bands Ever

3. Obituary

Obituary originally formed in 1986 under the name of Xecutioner, but soon renamed themselves in 1989 for the release of their debut album.

Originally inspired by thrash metal as much as they were key death metal innovators such as Possessed and Death, Obituary brought an entirely new perspective of intricacy and aggression to the genre.

Debuting in 1989 with their groundbreaking record 'Slowly We Rot', Obituary's reputation as a game changing band came to light almost immediately. They capitalised on this momentum with more quickfire album releases such as 1990's 'Cause of Death' and 1992's 'The End Complete'.

Arguably, Obituary didn't release their best album until as late as 2005, with the incredible 'Frozen in Time'.

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