15 Best Death Metal Bands Ever

2. Cannibal Corpse

It's rare for a death metal band to transcend beyond the confines of the genre and receive mainstream exposure, but Cannibal Corpse have achieved that repeatedly since their formation in 1988.

Potentially the most famous death metal band of all time, Cannibal Corpse have always been a brutal, devastating and cutting edge death metal days since their underground years in native New York.

Cannibal Corpse started to rise to fame in 1990 following the release of their debut album, 'Eaten Back to Life'. The band are notorious for their gory imagery and gruesome subject matter.

This imagery has caused controversy with multiple American politicians calling Cannibal Corpse to be banned for their offensive content. Cannibal Corpse have also received backlash in countries such as Germany, Russia and Australia.

This reputation has worked in the band's favour however and the exposure they received helped them to earn a huge cult following in death metal. Some of their most notable records include 'Butchered at Birth', 'Gallery of Suicide' and 'The Wretched Spawn'.

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