15 Best Death Metal Bands Ever

9. Napalm Death

Originally considered a 'crust punk' band, Napalm Death have slowly developed their brutal, rapid and riveting metal sound over the decades to become a truly iconic death metal/ grindcore group.

Napalm Death released their debut album, 'Scum', in 1987 which still to this is considered a pivotal album in the history of British extreme metal. Other Napalm Death albums like 'Harmony Corruption' and 'From Enslavement to Obliteration' for example also have notable influence and cult followings of their own.

Throughout the course of their careers Napalm Death have gathered a cult following among the global death metal scene, especially in their native British scene. Their influence over extreme metal, death metal and grindcore has been biblical, with a huge range of bands crediting Napalm Death as inspiration.

In fact, their previously mentioned record, 'Harmony Corruption', was the first death metal release to reach Indonesia, causing a huge death metal scene to rise from the nation soon after.

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