15 Best Death Metal Bands Ever

10. Autopsy

Despite enduring a stop/start style career, California's Autopsy have managed to persevere through the years as a key name in the history and foundations of death metal.

Much like Necrophagia, Autopsy faced their fair share of struggles in their early days a group, evidently lasting just eight years before they disbanded in 1995.

It would be 14 long years before Autopsy eventually reunited in 2009 after Abscess (Chris Reifert and Danny Coralles' crossover thrash band) disbanded just a few weeks prior. Speculation about the band's reunion had been in the air for years, but when it eventually happened the band made up for lost time with a prolific recording schedule.

Autopsy released the EP, 'The Tomb Within', just months after announcing their reunion and continued this wave of momentum by releasing their first studio album in 16 years, 'Macabre Eternal', in 2011.

In total, Autopsy now have seven studio albums and a huge influential legacy over American death metal, inspiring bands such as Dismember, Gorefest, Cannibal Corpse and Deicide to name but a few.

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