15 Most Distinctive Singing Voices In Rock & Metal

6. Brian Johnson

No doubt this choice is a controversial one, as many fans of AC/DC will argue that Bon Scott, the band's original singer gone entirely too soon, was the voice that people better associate with the band. No matter where you stand on this, however, Brian Johnson has fronted AC/DC since 1980, giving both old fans and future generations alike over forty years of his trademark belting. Between the two of them, it's a no-brainer as to which is more recognisable.

As the singing voice behind Back in Black, the second best-selling album of all time, even non-rock fans are familiar with the larger-than-life Geordie's signature glass-shattering notes.

Johnson's naturally gravelly voice plays incredibly well into the band's riff-based hits, and with the hair-raising banshee-like range he frequently soars to, it's pretty clear that this is one singer you're not going to confuse with any other.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.