15 Most Distinctive Singing Voices In Rock & Metal

4. Geddy Lee

From one extreme to another, we have Rush's Geddy Lee, whose vocal soaring and ear-piercing shrieks are enough to rile up every dog from here to Jupiter.

Critics were certainly not kind about the prog rock legend's singing chops at the beginning of the band's career. Even the most professional of album reviews would resort to spewing out variations of the old "strangled cat" comparison when talking about Lee's startlingly high vocal range. And today, perhaps the style is still not for everyone.

The fact remains, though, that never has another figure in rock music sounded quite the way that Geddy Lee does. Rush have a distinctive sound all their own as it is, but even for those unfamiliar with that, having heard Lee's singing once in your life, you'd be able to identify it again without any trouble at all.

Sadly, the screeching vocals of yesteryear have diminished somewhat with age, but despite this, Rush continued to perform until well into the 2010s, and Lee's singing is still a dead giveaway even among the largest of crowds.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.