15 Most Distinctive Singing Voices In Rock & Metal

3. Ronnie James Dio

How a man so little in stature could possess a set of vocal cords so immensely powerful is something we metalheads will probably never understand.

The late Ronnie James Dio, who, before his death in 2010, was one of rock's most prolific and widely known figures, made his name with extended tenures in both Rainbow and Black Sabbath, before splitting off to form his own solo project, Dio, in 1982.

Whether singing in a high or low range, Dio constantly gives it his absolute all, his raspy rock bellows cutting through the crunchy guitar accompaniment like a knife through butter.

More importantly, though, rarely do you find a popular music vocalist whose lyrical style really conveys the message of the lyrics to such an extent as with Ronnie James Dio. Far from just mindless metal belting, the force and virtuosity with which Dio sings is the perfect catalyst for his music's dark, psychological and occasionally fantasy-like themes.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.