15 Most Distinctive Singing Voices In Rock & Metal

12. Klaus Meine

With certain rock singers, there's often a fear that their distinctively high-pitched voice will peter out with age. And, indeed, many a rock frontman has suffered from this as the decades have rolled on. But not Klaus Meine. To that, Meine say neine.

The Scorpions are one of classic rock's all-time big names, and still among Germany's most accomplished contemporary bands to this day. Their continuing success is undoubtedly due in part to the musicianship of their members, none more so than the charismatic hat enthusiast, Klaus Meine.

Known for his impressive vocal range, Meine's voice has a distinct rigidity to it, rarely veering into long vibratos or overblown melismas. It's straight to the point, which I'm sure we can all appreciate.

Add to that the unique Germanic twang of his words and the impressive longevity of his singing over the years, and you have yourself a heavy metal cocktail that no other singer could hope to replicate.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.