15 Most Distinctive Singing Voices In Rock & Metal

8. Rob Halford

At first glance, the heavy metal cynic may look at a band like Judas Priest and assume them to be a classic case of style over substance. Indeed, in their early years, singer Rob Halford's penchant for leather and motorbikes pretty much made up the band's whole image, but in no way did that take away from his legendary singing prowess.

Those less familiar with Judas Priest will probably still know the song, 'Breaking The Law'. In it, Halford sings in a relatively low range all the way through, with a slightly nasal tone but otherwise not much to make the performance stand out.

It's when he lets it all loose, however, that his one-of-a-kind screeching really makes its mark.

From classics like 'Painkiller' to more modern singles such as 2018's 'Firepower', Rob Halford's soaring high-end range is the signature sound of the band, and even out of its usual context - such as in Five Finger Death Punch's 'Lift Me Up' - any seasoned metal fan can pick up on its cutting wail anywhere.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.