15 Most Iconic Rock Albums Under 30 Minutes

14. Weezer - The Green Album (28:20)

Yeah, everybody lists Pinkerton or The Blue Album as their go-to Weezer album, but the oft-slighted Green Album is their finest collection of pop songs to date. The track listing should tell you everything you need to know ("Photograph," "Island in the Sun," "Simple Pages," "Hash Pipe"), but in case you're still not sold, The Cars frontman Ric Ocasek produced the album. Every song is trimmed down to only its most essential bits and, despite a lack of experimentation, Weezer managed to put forth another classic pop rock record before completely bailing and turning out trendy, unmemorable collections of radio-bating tracks. A Little Taste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK_pPmDLzJ4
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The Ramones
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.