15 Most Underrated Bands Of The 90s

6. White Zombie

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks7f-UZNeug White Zombie had a deeper groove than any of their successors, who chose to keep the occult-ish imagery and creepy aesthetics while forgoing the funkiness and swing that was the foundation of Zombie's music. Of course, the band's image played just as large of a role as their slinky brand of industrial rock did, with the B-movie theatrics essentially turning them into KISS for a new generation. Nowadays, Rob Zombie is mostly known for his "solo" work (which is just an extension of White Zombie, since the band was mostly Rob's brainchild), while songs like "More Human Than Human" and "Thunder Kiss '65" have largely fallen out of favor. White Zombie was never really given its due, and their style of danceable hard rock is more innovative than most people are willing to admit.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.